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Creating a Rest API/Webservice with Django Rest Framework and MONGO (django-rest-framework-mongoengine) using Python 3


Sometimes you, as software engineer, identifies the need for a non-relational database. Nowadays the most common NoSQL database is Mongo.

In this post i will demonstrate how to add MongoDb (mongoengine) into a Django Rest Framework setup.

If you want to know how to install Django Framework with Django Rest Framework, refer to this post: Creating a Rest API/Webservice with Django Rest Framework and MYSQL using Python 3

The complete code for this tutorial is in my github, here:


Create the project directory e cd into it

mkdir project-name && cd project-name


Create a virtualenv to isolate our package dependencies locally, and activate the virtual environment

virtualenv -p python3 env && source env/bin/activate


Django Install

Install Django into the virtualenv

pip3 install django


Set up a new project and cd into it

# Note the trailing '.' character startproject project . && cd project


Define a single application for this project startapp appname && cd ..


Add the created App to INSTALLED_APPS in, using your favorite IDE



Remove the default database engine that is automatically set for you. By default Django adds the SQLite, we don’t want that. Remove the definitions from DATABASES in It should look like this, after you remove the default key:



Test if the App is working

python3 runserver

Go to http://localhost:8000/ to check if you see a Welcome page.


Install Django REST Framework

Install it using PIP3

pip3 install djangorestframework


Declare it in INSTALED_APPS on




Install django-rest-framework-mongoengine Dependencies

pip3 install mongoengine
pip3 install django-rest-framework-mongoengine


Install MongoDb service (on Mac) with Homebrew

For alternate os versions:

Installing MongDb
brew update
brew install mongodb
Running MongoDb

Create the data directory

mkdir -p /data/db

Make sure that the user running the mongod process, has read and write permissions for this folder.

Test if the server is ok


If everything is ok, you should see something like this in a terminal

2018-01-09T22:18:03.471-0200 I FTDC [initandlisten] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/data/db/'2018-01-09T22:18:03.471-0200 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 21017


Theres no need to create a database using mongo shell, because “when you first store data in the database, such as by creating a collection, MongoDB creates the database”. From:


Inform the Database for mongoengine and django

In the Django App add the database connection information

import mongoengine



Create your Models

Here is a sample on how to create a Model

# project/appname/

from mongoengine import Document, EmbeddedDocument, fields

class ToolInput(EmbeddedDocument):
    name = fields.StringField(required=True)
    value = fields.DynamicField(required=True)

class Tool(Document):
    label = fields.StringField(required=True)
    description = fields.StringField(required=True, null=True)
    inputs = fields.ListField(fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(ToolInput))


Create the Serializers

Create the inside your app and add the following content

from rest_framework_mongoengine import serializers
from project.appname.models import Tool

class ToolSerializer(serializers.DocumentSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Tool
        fields = '__all__'


Create the Views

This is a pure rest-framework-mongoengine, you will probably have more rest-framework only imports and definitions

from django.shortcuts import render

from rest_framework_mongoengine import viewsets as meviewsets
from project.appname.serializers import ToolSerializer
from project.appname.models import Tool

class ToolViewSet(meviewsets.ModelViewSet):
    lookup_field = 'id'
    queryset = Tool.objects.all()
    serializer_class = ToolSerializer

Create Routes

To accomplish this first create a file inside the project/appname, this one is a “chid” url set

from django.conf.urls import url
from rest_framework_mongoengine import routers as merouters
from project.appname.views import ToolViewSet

merouter = merouters.DefaultRouter()
merouter.register(r'mongo', ToolViewSet)

urlpatterns = [


urlpatterns += merouter.urls

Inform the project that this new url set exist. In the project/ (the parent), add the child, like this:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

from django.conf.urls import url, include

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^api/', include('project.appname.urls')),


Test your Application

Run the server

python3 runserver

Test connection to the server using you favorite tool, i use Postman. If everything here has been applied and the mongod service is up, everything should work right.



4 Responses
  • Leonardo Castro
    November 11, 2018

    Hello, could you please post the packages versions.

  • Arturo
    November 25, 2018

    Hi Fernando!
    This tutorials is helping me a lot in order to develop my own django rest app.
    I need to authenticate users, so I want to declare my custom User model.
    Do you think that it’s fine to use mongondb in this case?

  • Juan
    December 17, 2018

    Everything worked fine and smooth! Thank you.

  • ravi
    June 20, 2019

    I read this tutorial and find very useful. can you please help me on that how to implement the aggregate function in django

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